Royal Mail location alerts

Come rain, shine... or flooding. Ensuring an all-weather postal service

Location alerts reduce the impact of flooding and extreme weather

An all-weather postal service

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Location alerts reduce the impact of flooding and extreme weather on Royal Mail's operations.

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    Royal Mail

  • ACE Member

    BWB Consulting

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    Virtual solutions

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The Royal Mail has been in existence since 1516. However, with a growing population and a rapidly-changing climate, keeping pace with the demands of twenty-first century living is a major challenge – and one which requires twenty-first century solutions. 

Deetu, the data and technology development hub of BWB Consulting, provided a solution through the their location alerts tool which is now implemented across 400 of the Royal Mail Group’s properties.

This specialist digital tool takes geolocative data from across the Royal Mail estate, and combines it with open-source Environment Agency and weather data to create accurate forecasts.

From this, Deetu can build a real-time portrait of flood risk across Royal Mail's asset portfolio, and alert key operational staff when a specific property may be at risk of flooding.

Deetu video - consultancy40Video

Crucially, the data is presented in an easy-read dashboard of headline data, allowing managers to make quick, data-driven decisions in high-stress circumstances.

Royal Mail

Royal Mail

As a result, the Royal Mail group is able to proactively manage its infrastructure pre-emptively, reducing the impact flooding has on mail circulation across the UK. This means more happy customers and less money spent on compensation.

Following the success of the flood alert tool for Royal Mail, Deetu are now expanding the framework to include other forms of extreme weather, such as high winds, ice and snow. 

Environment Agency - consultancy40Quote
It is a great example of the possibilities of open source software and open data…this will help people and businesses make informed decisions about flood risk, the environment and their property.


Environment Agency